Church reduces energy costs by 97%

Project Site Photos



Installation Date: May 2017

Building Size: 19,400 ft2

Existing Equipment: T5, T8, CFL and metal halide lighting

Upgrades: Installation of a 12.92kW solar system, interior and exterior lighting LED Retrofit


92% annual kWh savings

$6,552 first year savings


Our Lady was planning a major renovation to their main hall and looking for ways to reduce operational costs to help pay for the project. The church was also wanting to make a statement to the community about their commitment to stewardship of our common home – Planet Earth.


By first reducing the total load through LED lighting upgrades throughout the parish Mynt was then able to design and install a smaller more economical solar PV system. The parish is now saving 92% of their total electric bill which is money that can be redirected to much-needed church renovations and their ongoing ministries.